Friday, August 16, 2019

NNAOPP Update - Mallorca August 2019

August 2019

My publisher, Periwinkle Princess Press, thought it would be a good idea for me to go to Europe this month to see what people are reading, and in particular to be on the lookout for any sightings of Nude Nuns and Other Peculiar People 

First my travels took me to Mallorca.  My staff and I were pleasantly surprised by what we observed.  Fortunately, my handy Google Translate app helped me communicate.

A Danish girl on the beach in Soller said: “Hvor underligt er det, at mode forfatteren til bogen, jeg laeser.”  (How strange is that, meeting the author of the book I am reading. It is very funny.)

 A Polish girl sunbathing on a beach near Alcudia proclaimed: “Uwielbian te ksieaske dzieki za podzelenie sie tymi zabawnymi historiami.”  (I love this book.  Thanks for sharing the funny stories.)


 A British charter captain taking a break whilst motoring off the west coast of Mallorca: “Great stuff now, innit?”


A yacht owner from Rotterdam weathered in at Soller Harbor: “Dit is misschien het beste boek duk it wit gelezen heb.” (This may be the best book I’ve ever read.)

A crew member on a 45 meter Italian sailing yacht was grinning broadly as he read:  “Che coincidenza straordinaria incontrarsi con l’autore di questo libro su una barca a Mallorca” (What an amazing coincidence meeting the author of this charming book while on a boat in Mallorca.)  Afterwards one of his mates asked, “Il libro e disponibile in Italiano?” (Is the book available in Italian?)  


A reader whose origins remain unknown to me.  I’m not sure the language, but I believe she was Finnish and said something to the effect: “Ala hairitse minue.  Luen tata satumaista kihlattua kirjaa.” (Don’t bother me, I’m reading this fabulously engrossing book.)

Lastly, a shot of my photographic assistant and scout / aka granddaughter Waverly helping me locate and document beach going book lovers.

And a sample of Waverly’s photojournalism skills.  This young lady was English, and she said, “All my school mates are reading this book.”

It’s mildly surprising, but pleasing, to note the high level of attractiveness of the Mallorcan NNAOPP readers.  Oddly, we encountered no one from Spain.  I’ll keep you posted as our tour continues.


Charles A. Wells, Jr.
Author of Nude Nuns and Other Peculiar People and Ordinary People Who Aren’t
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